Conservatives prepare for potential Trump presidency

4 mins read

The Center Square | by Casey Harper | February 20, 2024

Source: Conservatives prepare for potential Trump presidency | National | Summary:

  • Project 2025, backed by 100 conservative groups, aims to prepare for Donald Trump’s potential second term by organizing a database of supporters, providing training for appointees, developing a policy agenda, and creating a 180-day playbook.
  • Led by the Heritage Foundation, the initiative seeks to counter the influence of the so-called “deep state” by ensuring the federal government is staffed with Trump loyalists and conservatives across various agencies.
  • The movement intends to replicate the success of Trump’s Supreme Court nominations by strategically filling approximately 9,000 executive branch positions and implementing immediate reforms upon Trump’s re-election.

Project 2025 | Presidential Transition Project

(The Center Square) – An unprecedented and highly organized conservative effort is underway to help former President Donald Trump make the most of his second term, assuming he wins the White House come November.

The movement, named Project 2025, announced this week it had the backing of 100 conservative groups, including the most established and well-funded institutions inside Washington, D.C.

Project 2025 has four areas of focus:

  1. A database of conservatives and Trump loyalists to quickly stock the executive branch.
  2. Preemptive training for those appointees so they can immediately take action once they take office.
  3. An aggressive policy agenda to begin implementing on day one.
  4. A 180-day playbook for Trump’s second term.

The proactive preparation marks a far more organized effort than last time Trump won the White House, where his administration was bogged down by unusually high turnover, infighting, and disorganization within the executive branch.

Read the entire Mandate for Leadership, The Conservative Promise here:

That is in part because few expected Trump to beat Hillary Clinton in 2016, even among Trump’s aides and conservative leaders.

“This is a historic moment for the conservative movement,” Paul Dans, director of the 2025 Presidential Transition Project, said in a statement. “From the time we launched this project, we knew it was critical for conservatives to put aside differences and come together if we are to succeed in restoring our federal government to one ‘of the people, by the people, and for the people.’ And reaching 100 members on our advisory board is monumental.”

The Heritage Foundation is helping lead the effort. Notably, for his first term, Trump released a list of potential Supreme Court Justice candidates that was created with help of the Federalist Society and the Heritage Foundation.

Trump was able to place three justices in just one term, which has a significant impact on several major court cases, not the least of which was the overturning of Roe v. Wade, which handed the abortion issue back to the states.

Trump has campaigned heavily against what he and other conservatives call the deep state, the apparatus of mid-level bureaucrats who have been delegated broad authority by Congress to make rules regardless of which political party is in charge.

In response, Project 2025 allows interested applicants to preemptively apply for a spot in the potential Trump administration. The aim is to immediately stock the federal government with Trump loyalists and conservatives in an effort to break the largely liberal bloc of employees and leaders in the federal bureaucracy.

The leaders of the movement point specifically to the Plum Book, a 232-page document that lists thousands of jobs in the executive branch that are appointed by the president.

This Plum Book plan essentially applies the Supreme Court playbook to the roughly 9,000 executive branch jobs appointed by the president.

“Americans are tired of their government being used against them,” Dans said. “The administrative state is, at best, completely out of touch with the American people and, at worst, is weaponized against them. We will soon embark on a historic reform of the federal government to get it once again to work for the American people. With our 100-member strong coalition we have the momentum as we begin this critical year.”

The 180-day playbook includes a “transition plan” for each federal agency to be implemented immediately when Trump takes office. The Project 2025 policy agenda, which Trump is certainly not bound by, includes an extremely detailed set of reforms for a litany of agencies, including ones not heard of by most Americans.

Below are the conservative organizations that have backed Project 2025, according to the organization.

  • 1792 Exchange
  • American Accountability Foundation 
  • American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists
  • Alabama Policy Institute 
  • Alliance Defending Freedom 
  • ACLJ Action
  • American Commitment
  • American Compass 
  • American Cornerstone Institute
  • The American Conservative
  • American Council of Trustees and Alumni
  • American Family Association
  • America First Legal 
  • American Juris Link
  • American Legislative Exchange Council 
  • The American Main Street Initiative 
  • American Moment 
  • American Principles Project 
  • The American Family Project
  • The American Redistricting Project
  • Americans United for Life
  • AMAC Action
  • California Family Council
  • Centennial Institute
  • Center for a Secure Free Society
  • Center for Equal Opportunity 
  • Center for Family and Human Rights 
  • Center for Immigration Studies 
  • Center for Military Readiness
  • Center for Renewing America 
  • Citizens Against Government Waste
  • The Claremont Institute 
  • Coalition for a Prosperous America
  • Competitive Enterprise Institute 
  • Concerned Women for America 
  • Conservative Partnership Institute
  • Defense of Freedom Institute
  • Discovery Institute
  • Eagle Forum
  • Ethics and Public Policy Center
  • Fairer America
  • Family Policy Alliance 
  • Family Research Council 
  • Feds for Freedom
  • First Liberty Institute
  • For America
  • Forge Leadership Network 
  • Foundation for American Innovation
  • Foundation for Defense of Democracies
  • Foundation for Government Accountability 
  • Freedom’s Journal Institute
  • The Frederick Douglass Foundation
  • Calvert Task Group
  • The Heartland Institute
  • The Heritage Foundation
  • Hillsdale College 
  • Honest Elections Project
  • Independent Women’s Forum 
  • Institute for Education Reform
  • Institute for Energy Research 
  • Institute for the American Worker 
  • The Institute for Women’s Health
  • Intercollegiate Studies Institute
  • Dr. James Dobson Family Institute
  • The James Madison Institute 
  • Job Creators Network
  • Keystone Policy
  • The Leadership Institute 
  • League of American Workers
  • Liberty University 
  • Mackinac Center for Public Policy
  • MacArthur Society of West Point Graduates
  • The Malone Institute
  • Media Research Center
  • Mississippi Center for Public Policy
  • Moms for Liberty
  • Mountain States Policy Center
  • National Association of Scholars
  • National Center for Public Policy Research
  • Native Americans for Sovereignty and Preservation
  • Noah Webster Educational Foundation
  • Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs
  • Project 21 Black Leadership Network
  • Pacific Research Institute
  • The Palm Beach Freedom Institute
  • Palmetto Promise
  • Patrick Henry College
  • The Patriot Foundation Trust
  • Personnel Policy Operations
  • Public Interest Legal Foundation
  • Recovery for America Now Foundation
  • Republicans Overseas Foundation
  • Stop Abusive and Violent Environments
  • Stand Together Against Racism and Radicalism in the Services
  • Students for Life of America
  • Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America
  • Tea Party Patriots
  • Texas Public Policy Foundation
  • Teneo Network
  • Turning Point USA
  • Young America’s Foundation
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